Time is a very valuable resource in everyone’s life, you could even go as far, as to say that it is the most precious currency. Time is the catalyst, which gives you access to endless opportunities, opportunities become experiences, and in the end, these experiences shape your life, make you the person you are. But isn’t it all too pompous, for a website that sells devices that help you cheat exams? Seemingly, maybe, but not really. What we try to sell you, is, you guessed it – time – the single most valuable resource you can acquire. Instead of cramming useless material into your brain, we give you an opportunity to explore, create and move things, which brings us to the essence of this article. What to do with your newly saved free time? I suggest you start improving your life as a whole, and here are a couple of steps that can help you do that.
- Sleep
The process of sleeping is still in majority a mystery to scientists. Nobody knows why we have to sleep for the third of our day, but we know what advantages sleeping for around 8 hours and preferably in fixed hours have. It is scientifically proven, that well rested people seem more healthy and attractive to their peers, their decision making is improved, and they are generally much happier than their sleep deprived counterparts.
And it’s not just night’s rest, naps are great for you too. Just a 15 min nap increases your alertness, improve your performance and help you deal with negative emotions. This is the foundation, and the most important thing in improving your quality of life.
- Exercise
The second most important thing in improving one’s happiness, is to exercise. Physical activity releases dopamine, endorphin and serotonin, known as the happy chemicals, multiple tests prove that working out makes you more attractive, proactive, generally happier and even smarter! It improves your discipline, one of the most, if not the most important trait of successful people.
- Be more egoistic
Doesn’t exactly mean be a self-centered egomaniac, but a little of selfishness will definitely make you happier in the long run. The life you live is yours and yours alone, you shouldn’t sacrifice your precious free time for some petty reasons. Helping others can definitely make you happy, but you got to know the limits, in other case people will start to take you for granted, and you will be ironically respected less, not more, for your selflessness. Value your time very highly.
- Treat yourself as a project
Challenge yourself, improve your skills, and broaden your horizons. People constantly look for validation in others, don’t be like that. Constantly elevate yourself. If you make yourself into a worthwhile person, your peers will notice that. You can even find the meaning of your life in bettering yourself, as it is very addictive. Ignoring the opportunities to become better is one of the things people regret the most in life.